The everyday value of self-testing

A black background with a small wooden bowl full of salt crystals, the bowl is heaped full and some of the crystals are on the surface under the bowl

I had a lovely reminder recently of the everyday value of self testing.

Having developed some discomfort in my hand, wrist and elbow, I became increasingly concerned. The discomfort was affecting my keyboard work and crochet. It was also leaving me miserable and disturbing my peace.  I started experiencing an odd ‘pre-cramp’ sensation in the side of my knee. Sometimes I felt slightly light headed too.

With my equilibrium off balance I wasn’t thinking clearly. Haphazardly I tried several random ‘solutions’ I had used for physical discomfort in the past, none of which helped.  This failure to resolve the issue left me feeling rather sad, would I have to stop writing and crocheting?  Both of which are sources of huge pleasure for me.  I started to wonder if I was just ‘getting old’. Would I reluctantly surrender to the ravages of a declining body?

Would I reluctantly surrender to the ravages of a declining body?

Whilst walking my little bundle of fluffy goodness, I did a little questioning using self testing. In a moment of clarity I remembered the everyday value of self-testing. Starting with broad questions I gently quizzed my body to find out what was amiss.

After a couple of simple questions my body informed me it needed salt.  My salt grinder ran dry over Christmas and I hadn’t made it to the store to buy my usual salt crystals, so my food had been completely unsalted for nearly a month.

Having rectified the situation I dabbed my little finger into the salt crystals that fell on the counter ,as I filled the grinder, and placed them on my tongue.  Almost immediately, my discomfort ceased.  

I feel so lucky to be able to ask my body what it needs, and to listen to the responses it provides.  Even if, sometimes, it takes me a while to remember the everyday value of self testing and the fabulous tool I have, literally at my fingertips.

If you’d like to learn how to use self-testing to support your own health, well-being and decision making, click here to find out more.

Claire is a KFRP member of the Kinesiology Federation, find out more here

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