Change the world – a ‘how to’ guide

Change the world! When something isn’t working it’s human nature to try to change the situation to create something that suits us better, we prefer to change the world rather than ourselves.  It can feel easier to decide what external factors need to change to enable us to better function.

However, if we work to change the situation without changing ourselves, the solution just gets further away and the perceived problem is magnified.

As we find fault with the world around us we create a mindset focused on what is wrong with the world and just how monumental the changes required are, this can become daunting, overwhelming even.

Turning our gaze inward is a productive use of our limited internal resources, exploring what we can do differently to begin teaching the world how to adjust; creating a space where change is within our gift, it is what we proactively give to the world.

The easiest and kindest way to change the situation is to begin by emulating the change we wish to see.

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Be kind, be the change you wish to see in the world

By demonstrating the change we would like to experience we become part of the solution and that’s infectious.  There are various theories around why this is and the simplest one is that good ideas stick.

Share a smile, a kindness, a compliment, your time.

Be the change and watch how quickly the world changes around you

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

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