Do you wish your body would just perform better?

When just one muscle under-performs the knock on effect impairs your performance

Do you wish your body would just perform better? Whether you’re fed up with pain and discomfort or you want to improve your sports performance, this is for you.

Muscles are vital to good posture, they hold the spine and body upright and enable movement and flexibility.

When the integrity of muscle performance is compromised it can result in postural deviations which, if not addressed, can lead to discomfort and pain which can affect performance, sleep, concentration and overall quality of life

Whilst such deviations may be imperceptible at first, as you continue to train or just go about your day, their impact increases, as other muscles try to compensate to counteract the effects of deviated posture, eventually leading to damage and, of course, pain.

When just one muscle under-performs the knock on effect impairs your performance and, eventually creates pain.

Your body is an incredible piece of kit, a superb structure of organic engineering. 

Over 650 muscles work with 206 bones to 

    hold you up against the force of gravity
        move you in all directions
            enable differing speeds and types of movement
                from giant strides to the smallest of blinks and micro expressions.

                  Everything you do uses muscles, from unconscious actions like breathing and blinking to the more conscious activities like cycling and cooking dinner.

                  Your body is focused on one crucial task, keeping you alive.  Making sure that, if a hungry bear runs out of the woods, you won’t be their next meal.

                  When a muscle malfunctions others quickly take up the slack, pulling together to keep you going but, eventually, this creates danger and your brain sends a pain signal to alert you that something is wrong and you need to stop.  Stop before you fall down and become bear lunch.

                  Initially working through the pain seems a viable short term way of continuing in the face of impaired muscle function.  Your body pumps endorphins that bathe your brain and cut off the pain signals. This mechanism is designed to ensure that, when that bear is in hot pursuit, you can keep running.  Keep running to a place of safety.

                  Until you stop. 

                  Once you stop all those juicy endorphins settle down, the adrenaline tails off and the body quickly reveals the true state of affairs, with exhaustion and pain taking centre stage.

                  Are you ready to take your training to a new level of personal performance? Get the inside track.

                  In these extended sessions we: 

                    Undertake a full consultation and postural analysis
                        Assess the performance of 42 of the major muscles and muscle groups in your body
                            Reset any under-performing muscles to perform better.
                                Assess how the muscles are working together
                                    Support them to perform better as groups.
                                        Support them to perform better as groups.

                                          Kinesiology addresses the factors that inhibit or impair muscular integrity.

                                          It is not a test of strength, if it were I’m pretty certain you would win, it is an analysis of how the stress and existing damage you hold affects your ability to train and perform ongoing.

                                          Having established the blocks that are holding you back from peak performance we resolve them using various subtle, profound techniques.

                                          If you are curious to know more, please get in touch

                                          I look forward to working with you.

                                          Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

                                          If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

                                          You can also join our online community here.

Touch for Health training full IKC Syllabus

For details of the next Touch for Health training dates please contact me. Please find below the full IKC Touch for health training Syllabus

Touch for Health Kinesiology Level I:
The art of muscle testing & 14-Muscle/Meridian Balancing “As-You-Go”
Touch for health training, Introductory kinesiology workshop for lay people and health professionals
Accurate indicator muscle testing; “challenging” reflexes to find deeper levels to balance
Emotional stress release (for present distress)
14 muscle-tests as biofeedback for posture and 14 major energy meridians
5 reflex systems and nutrition for balancing muscles, posture and energy
Simple pain control techniques
Improve Sensory, auditory and visual perception and physical range of motion with auricular and visual balancing
Level 1 is open to all. It is suitable for the lay-person who has no prior knowledge of muscles/anatomy/posture or Chinese acupuncture energy theory.
Most kinesiologists learn TFH during their training.
Official IKC TFH Level 1 Syllabus

Introduction to Touch for Health
What is Touch for Health?
History, Triangle of Health, Opposing Muscle Theory
Switching On
Central Meridian Check
Switching Points
Cross Crawl for Fun
Auricular Energy
Meridian Massage
Accurate Indicator Muscle Testing

Introduction to Muscle Testing
Education, Communication and Permission: the Self-Responsibility Model
Pre-checks for accurate muscle testing – Physical, Mental/Emotional, Biochemical
Accurate Indicator Muscle Testing
Switching On
Central Meridian Energy Check
Subjective Evaluation

Muscle/Meridian Balancing Touch Reflexes
Spinal Reflexes
Neurolymphatic Massage Points (reflexes)
Neurovascular Holding Points (reflexes)
Energy Meridians from Acupuncture
Muscle Origin-Insertion Technique
Challenging a Balancing Reflex
Muscles that Won’t “Switch-off”
Emotional Stress Release
Using Food to Balance Specific Muscles

Other Balancing Techniques
Posture Awareness
Cross Crawl for Fun
Auricular Energy
Visual Inhibition
Simple Pain Techniques
Surrogate Testing
Goal Balancing
Balancing-As-You-Go Procedure

Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14 Muscles and Related Meridians:

Muscle Related                                  Meridian
Supraspinatus                                    Central
Teres Major                                         Governing
Pectoralis Major Clavicular          Stomach
Latissimus Dorsi                               Spleen
Subscapularis                                     Heart
Quadriceps                                          Small Intestine
Peroneus                                              Bladder
Psoas                                                     Kidney
Gluteus Medius                                 Circulation/Sex
Teres Minor                                        Triple Warmer
Anterior Deltoid                                Gall Bladder
Pectoralis Major Sternal                Liver
Anterior Serratus                              Lung
Fascia Lata                                           Large Intestine

Touch for Health Kinesiology Level 2:
Exploring energy maps & One-Point Balancing
PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 1; practical and written exercises from Level 1
14 additional muscle tests
Circuit locating to find an optimal touch reflex, or alarm points to indicate excess energy
Emotional stress release (for future performance)
Assess energy patterns in the 24-hour Wheel & Five Element (seasonal) cycles and find the “One-Point” to balance all the muscles/energy meridians
Food Testing- identify foods that raise or lower energy
Acupressure Holding Points, neuromuscular reflexes including spindle cell and golgi tendon
More simple pain control including “Meridian Walking” technique for recent/localised pain

Muscle/Meridian Balancing Touch Reflexes
Circuit Locating
Precheck Evaluations with Circuit Locating
Spindle Cell Mechanism
Golgi Tendon Apparatus
Acupressure Holding Points
Cerebral Spinal Technique
Yin and Yang
Balancing Using the Meridian Wheel
Alarm Points and Over-Energy
Beaver Dam
Triangles and Squares
Midday/Midnight Relationship
The Law of Five Elements (Shen and Ko Cycles)

Other Balancing Techniques
Food Testing for Biogenic, Biostatic and Biocidic Foods
Emotional Stress Relief (ESR) for Future Performance
Simple Pain Techniques
Time of Day Balance
Meridian Massage
Meridian Walking
Cerebrospinal Technique
Cross Crawl Integration
One-Point Balancing According to the Wheel and Five Elements

Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14 Additional Muscles:
Muscle Related                                                         Meridian
Anterior Neck Flexors   & Brachioradialis     Stomach
Lower & Middle Trapezius                                   Spleen
Rectus Abdominis                                                   Small Intestine
Sacrospinalis                                                             Bladder
Iliacus                                                                           Kidney
Adductors & Piriformis                                         Circulation/Sex
Sartorius                                                                     Triple Warmer
Popliteus                                                                    Gall Bladder
Rhomboid                                                                  Liver
Middle Deltoid                                                         Lung
Quadratus Lumborum                                         Large Intestine

Touch For Health Kinesiology Level 3:
The Body Deal – Reactive Muscle Balancing
PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 2: practical and written exercises from Level 2
Review and practice 1-point balancing (Wheel & Five Elements)
Five Element sound balancing
14 additional muscles (this completes the TFH 42 Muscles)
Emotional stress release (for past experiences/trauma)
Balancing reactive muscles for combined muscle function and long-standing pain relief
Chinese 5-Element colour balance
Balance “gaits” function and physical co-ordination
Luo points (acupressure holding points to balance yin/yang within an element)
Pulse points for assessing/balancing excess energy
Pain tapping to reduce or eliminate long-standing pain

Balancing Techniques
Five Element Colour Balance
Five Element Emotions
Five Element Balancing with Goal and Emotion
Five Element Balancing with Food
Sedation Techniques
ESR for Past Trauma
Pulse Check
Pain Tapping for Chronic Pain
Reactive Muscles Review

Other Balancing Techniques
Facilitation and Inhibition
Circuit Retaining Mode
Resetting Reactive Muscle Relationships
Gait Checking and Balancing
Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14+ Additional Muscles:

Muscle Related…                                                               Meridian
Posterior Neck Extensors & Levator Scapulae      Stomach
Opponens Pollicis Longus & Triceps                         Spleen
Transverse and Oblique Abdominals                        Small Intestine
Anterior and Posterior Tibials                                     Bladder
Upper Trapezius                                                                Kidney
Gluteus Maximus                                                              Circulation Sex
Gracilis, Soleus & Gastrocnemius                              Triple Warmer
Coracobrachialis & Diaphragm                                   Lung
Hamstrings                                                                         Large Intestine

Touch For Health Kinesiology Level 4:
Going Deeper – Postural Analysis & Balancing, Review & Consolidation

PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 3: practical and written exercises from Level 3
Complete 42 muscle balance: standing, sitting or lying
Analyze and balance specific postural deviations
Reactive muscle review
Figure 8 energy balancing
Past balancing to holistically relieve stress from past trauma throughout mind and body
Postural stress release for stress held in “muscle memory” associated with postures/experiences

Balancing Techniques
Figure Eight Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotions
Five Element Sound Balance
Acupressure Holding Point Theory
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Reactive Muscles Review
Postural Analysis
Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for:
42 Muscles Head to Toe, Standing
42 Muscles Head to Toe, Prone and Supine
Outcomes and Applications of Touch for Health:
IKC Instructor Training Requirements
Aims of the International Kinesiology College
Guidelines for Practical Assessment
The TFH Synthesis “Database” Balancing Procedure

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

You can also join our online community here.