The everyday value of self-testing

I had a lovely reminder recently of the everyday value of self testing.

Having developed some discomfort in my hand, wrist and elbow, I became increasingly concerned. The discomfort was affecting my keyboard work and crochet. It was also leaving me miserable and disturbing my peace.  I started experiencing an odd ‘pre-cramp’ sensation in the side of my knee. Sometimes I felt slightly light headed too.

With my equilibrium off balance I wasn’t thinking clearly. Haphazardly I tried several random ‘solutions’ I had used for physical discomfort in the past, none of which helped.  This failure to resolve the issue left me feeling rather sad, would I have to stop writing and crocheting?  Both of which are sources of huge pleasure for me.  I started to wonder if I was just ‘getting old’. Would I reluctantly surrender to the ravages of a declining body?

Would I reluctantly surrender to the ravages of a declining body?

Whilst walking my little bundle of fluffy goodness, I did a little questioning using self testing. In a moment of clarity I remembered the everyday value of self-testing. Starting with broad questions I gently quizzed my body to find out what was amiss.

After a couple of simple questions my body informed me it needed salt.  My salt grinder ran dry over Christmas and I hadn’t made it to the store to buy my usual salt crystals, so my food had been completely unsalted for nearly a month.

Having rectified the situation I dabbed my little finger into the salt crystals that fell on the counter ,as I filled the grinder, and placed them on my tongue.  Almost immediately, my discomfort ceased.  

I feel so lucky to be able to ask my body what it needs, and to listen to the responses it provides.  Even if, sometimes, it takes me a while to remember the everyday value of self testing and the fabulous tool I have, literally at my fingertips.

If you’d like to learn how to use self-testing to support your own health, well-being and decision making, click here to find out more.

Claire is a KFRP member of the Kinesiology Federation, find out more here

It’s time to take you and your business seriously.

Discover your business self – embrace your unique style

How often do you find yourself worrying that people won’t take you and your business seriously ? Are you confused that you need a unique business idea but there is no place to be yourself in the way you do it?

Well, here’s secret that might surprise you. That anxiety is draining your most valuable business resource. 

You are just the right person to run your business, how do I know this?  Because you are already doing it.

Your business is failing to thrive because you are trying to do business the way that suits someone else.  In the same way that wearing someone else’s shoes quickly becomes unbearable, running your business someone else’s way is futile, exhausting and demoralising.

It may feel comfortable at first but, eventually your paths diverge and, suddenly, you are cut adrift. With no safety net to carry you forward, motivation wanes and, slowly things grind to a halt.

There is another, easier, way….

Authenticity is paramount. Now is the perfect time to find your authentic voice and speak clearly from your business heart.

Doing business your way is exactly the right way.  There is no manual, no right or wrong, everything is open to interpretation.

The only constant in your business is you.

Stop trying the be someone else and experience the relief of doing your business, your way.

Picture of four seated business people with Question marks for faces. Title who is the best person for the job?

So, who are you?

Think back to when you started your business. With courage, hope and enthusiasm, you launched your dream. Soon you realised you needed some other skills, so you looked to other people for guidance and they showed you their way. But their way didn’t always work for you, so you convinced yourself you couldn’t do those bits.

You decided it was something about you that meant you could never do that for your business.

Have you ever found yourself thinking….
‘Negotiation is not for me, I don’t like confrontation’
‘I would delegate but I know I’d only end up re-doing the job again myself’
‘What if someone said No?’
‘I’d love to run a workshop but I’ve no idea where to start’
or even, ‘I tried doing that once and it didn’t work’

Together we will create a way for you to stop questioning your own capability, tap into your unique resources and take your business to the next level (and beyond).

Image of pendulum over a compass - text - where do you want to go?
I believe in you. It’s time you started believing in you too.

Think of yourself as a million piece jigsaw, all the pieces represent your individual preferences, all those unique bits that make you, you. Of course someone else’s way doesn’t suit you – that’s their individual way, not yours. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

The most successful businesses are run by people who are extremely self-aware. Self-awareness means taking time out regularly to reflect on three main factors:

  1. The tools, skills, talents and experience you have
  2. The things you want to achieve
  3. What’s missing from/blocking your path

Often the biggest obstacle is lack of choice and understanding about how you could mix things up and do it your way.

Business myth buster moment

It’s time to take you and your business seriously and you can do that by doing things your way.

There are as many ways to do business (and all that entails) as there are people on the planet. What’s missing is a choice of tools and the understanding to use them, so that you can choose the exact way that suits you.

Your most powerful strength IS your individuality. It’s time you embraced that and gave yourself permission to discover and celebrate your unique business self.

Let’s do this

36 hours to change your world

There are 9 skills that every business person needs to be successful

  • Self-awareness
  • Motivation
  • Inspiration
  • Delegation
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Avoiding overwhelm
  • Handling rejection
  • Education

  • Once you’ve mastered these you can be confident that all your efforts will be rewarded.

The first and most important of these is self-awareness. Understanding what makes you tick, what really rocks your world and how you can use that wisdom to keep your business ahead of the game with every step.

Your business needs two people to thrive, you and your customers.  The more curious you are about yourself the more you learn about everyone else, that’s powerful knowledge that will help you easily build sustainable relationships with your customers.

You have probably spent plenty of your time, energy and resource identifying your ideal customer. Now it’s time to look at them from a very different perspective, to understand them in relation to you and your product or service and learn how to bridge the gaps between you.

How does ‘Discover your business self’ work?

Discover your business self is an informative, supportive space for you to explore who you are and how you access the world. Together we’ll uncover your hidden default settings and learn how to use them to your advantage.  

Business is all about the conversations between suppliers and consumers, learn how to have quality conversations that increase your sales without a huge marketing budget. Find out how many customers are missing you and what you can do to make sure they hear your message, every time.

Discover your business self provides a safe space to experiment with new ideas and concepts, all shared in an interactive, enjoyable way.  

Learn how to take you and your business seriously. It’s time to silence that inner critic, respect yourself and and create a comfortable internal space to live, work and grow.

The Discover your business self is a unique, affordable model.

All session cost £99 and run for 4 hours, via Zoom. Numbers are limited to ensure plenty of opportunity for questions and to ensure you receive a quality learning experience including 1:1 support.

The Discover your business self core module is the entry point. Here we take an interactive deep dive into the psychology of connections.

When booking you receive 27 preference questions. There are no wrong answers. Your responses indicate your preferences and how they inform your business self.

Optional bundles

When purchasing your core module you can purchase extra bundles, combining your choice of the optional modules to conquer whatever is getting in your way. The more you buy the more you save. Save up to £180

Learn to cast your net wider without making a single change to anything your business does.

Understand how to get the best outcome from every interaction – just by being you.

This is interactive learning – done in real time, no recording or self directed learning required.

Join us for four hours, embrace the learning and insights, experiment safely and put your unique spin on it , have a few aha moments, go away and use the stuff – no travel, no wasted time – learn with like minded business people and leave feeling good about your business and your place in it.

Celebrate the capable, powerful individual you are and get on with business.

Find out about other workshops here

Walk your unique meridian pathway and unlock your inner purpose

The greater awareness you have of your own energy system, the quicker you can pinpoint imbalances and correct them.  It also makes it easier to identify any recurring glitches and ascertain how to transform them, like a computer installing an update when the operating programme is corrupted.  If you have an old, outdated, programme running part of your system it could be time to have a look at it and see what you can do to bring it up to date.

Activate your intuition, unleash your extraordinary history as you travel your unique pathway to wisdom

Walk your unique meridian pathway and unlock your inner purpose.  So, what’s all the fuss about meridians?

Quite simply meridians are channels in your body that hold and distribute energy (Qi) around your system.  

Many traditional practices work with meridians and the Qi that runs through them, including:  

  • Kinesiology balances and harmonises your unique meridian energies to help restore peace and calm to the system.
  • Acupuncture precisely activates meridian points with fine needles.
  • Yoga stretches and tones meridian pathways, helping improve energy flow.
  • Reflexology stimulates associated points on the feet, hands and/or face to improve well-being.

Scientific studies used state of the art body scanning technology, with contrast dyes, to isolate and confirm the location of meridian points on various parts of the human anatomy, showing their distinctive anatomical construction and precise location(s).

There are two types of meridians each with their own distinctive functions and creating a pattern of unique meridian energy within you.

Ancestral meridians, also known as extra-ordinary meridians store Qi until your body requires it.  The Qi energy is stored deeper inside your physical body,  when these reserves get depleted acute feelings of fatigue, immobility and apathy can be experienced, these can easily become chronic and debilitating.

Ancestral meridian Qi is inherited from our parents at conception and provides a useful portal to a wealth of ancient wisdom, forgotten talents and exceptional knowledge, granting direct access to all the lessons your ancestors learned that ensured your genetic line survived. 

Working with ancestral meridians allows you to uncover the unique mix of intelligence, skills and creativity ensuring your genetic line survived. Use these energetic super-highways as a fast track to access ancient wisdom and re-invigorate your intuition. 

Working with ancestral meridians can also enhance past life work, providing firm foundations for soul retrieval and accessing akashic records, making it easier to work with your own etheric body.

Tap into your ancestral Qi and super-charge your efforts to achieve the profound shifts you are working towards.

Superficial meridians, also referred to as ordinary meridians, tap into the stored Qi and transport it along pathways, creating a connected circuit, distributing a unique blend of energy, vitality, wisdom and knowledge round your system, nourishing and regulating specific organs, emotions and/or endocrine functions. 

Your superficial meridian system relates specifically to you, evolving as you develop. Beginning in the womb it creates your personal energetic map, drawing on your inherited energetic blueprint, helping you transform your inherited Qi, making it relevant for the world that you emerge into, grow up in and, eventually, shape.

Learning to tap into these reservoirs and streams of energy enables you to notice when things are out of kilter and super-charge your efforts to more easily achieve the profound shifts you desire. 

Quickly pin point and address imbalances

The greater awareness you have of your own energy system, the quicker you can pinpoint imbalances and address them.  It’s easier to identify any recurring glitches and transform them, like a computer installing an update when the operating programme is corrupted.  If you have an old, outdated, programme running part of your system it could be time to have a look and see what you can do to bring it up to date.

Working with your energetic blueprint allows you to interrogate the beliefs, habits and behaviours that drive you.

Do you sometimes feel that you’re ‘off track’? Unsure how to set yourself back on the right path for you but certain that you have disconnected from your true purpose?  Working with your own energetic blueprint via your unique median system enables you to better explore your inner purpose and connect with you own soul’s journey?  Stepping back onto the correct path with ease.

The more you work with your own energetic blueprint the easier it becomes to manoeuvre and create a smoother journey through life.   Elegantly drawing on the extra wisdom and insights needed to get you where you want to be without force or struggle, using all your vitality to progress rather than wasting your precious resources wrestling with your past.  

Unlock your personal energetic blueprint

A great way to start is by exploring your personal energetic blueprint, understanding what makes up the Qi that powers you, the responsibilities of each meridian and what experiences may have affected your personal energetic evolution.

To find out more about the next step to freeing up your own extra-ordinary energy click here

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

You can also join our online community here.

Qi – Unravelling the mystery

get into the flow of the wu-wei, the space where attainment is easy, achievement without effort.

Qi (pronounced chee) is the universal force of life, responsible for movement, motivation, reproduction and growth.  Contained in all living organisms, in many ancient philosophies it is disturbances in the manifestation, movement, retention and dispersal of Qi that lead to dysfunctions in the person, creating dis-ease and discomfort. 

Qi combines with Jing (the substance of transformation) to create our individual constitutional make up, it is both supporting and nourishing, , helping every cell in our body to reproduce and perpetuate the 7 year cycle of transformation in women (8 years in men), imbuing organisms with potential, the possibility of development.

Nothing rests, everything moves and vibrates, pure energy vibrates at different frequencies, as can most easily be seen in the light spectrum, with different frequencies creating different colours.

Qi blog pic 1 (1)  

Even at rest your body is transforming, taking in air, expelling carbon dioxide, cleansing blood, releasing hormones, generating T-cells, extracting nutrition from food, sorting thought the issues of the day.  That these processes happen effortless in  our sleep reminds us that life is a space of constant change and our ‘job’ is to find the most graceful, peaceful ways to find our own personal state of balance, to get into the flow of the wu-wei, the space where attainment is easy, achievement without effort.

Energy is no one force or thing, 32 distinct types of qi have been identified, they combine to create ‘the one Qi’ also known as prana or life force; found in all living things, it has five main functions: 

  1. Movement – including physical agility, dexterity and coordination
  2. Protection – on all levels including physical, emotional, biochemical, physiological, energetic and spiritual
  3. Harmonious transformation – the graceful and consistent  transformation from one state to another
  4. Retention of substances and organs – your body’s physical ability to contain itself and function optimally against both internal and external forces, such as gravity, inertia etc.
  5. Temperature regulation – imbalances are more at times of menopause when hot flushes are accepted as an expected symptom. 

Qi come from 3 main sources:

It is transferred between parents and child at the moment of conception, it is partly responsible for our inherited constitution.  Stored in the kidneys it combines with jing to determine our unique constitution, personality and make up.

It is derived from the digestion of the food we eat.  Consider your personal constitution when eating fast food, a plant rich diet, excessive carbohydrates.  Does your mood change?  How is your digestion when you eat on an argument? Qi is not just about the composition of our bodies it affects how we feel in our bodies.

It is extracted by the lungs from the air we breathe. Do you feel different in specific locations? Are you affected by a polluted city, an air conditioned building, a forest, being on or near the water.  

5 main types of Qi include:

  • Organ Qi – each organ has its own distinct qi and metaphorical associations
  • Meridian Qi – normal or upright qi as it flows through the superficial meridian system .
  • Nutritive Qi – an essential force in the nourishment of the body, this qi transforms nutrients in the blood
  • Protective Qi – described as being ‘fierce and bold’ it resists and combats ‘external pernicious influences’
  • Ancestral Qi – aids and regulates rhythmic movement of breath and heart beat.

Exploring and understanding the factors that influence your unique Qi blueprint enable you to address your own well-being and health aspirations from a completely personalised perspective.  Creating a bespoke personalised combination of techniques and simple lifestyles adjustments enables you to address your own unique situation from an informed perspective, where you can use your unique understanding of your own story to realise your full potential.

Join us as we dive deeper into the mysteries of Qi, learn how to identify your own imbalances and bring them back to harmony to help you more easily get into the flow of the wu-wei.  For full details of the next workshop, please click here

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

You can also join our online community here.

Workshop menu

Up to date details of all coming workshops and privilege early bird booking discounts.

I create and deliver various workshops to educate and empower you within your own healing journey.

If you’d like to receive regular details and be first to hear about privilege booking offers sign up my newsletter here

Many ancient traditions worked readily with these profound energy systems and traces of this can still be seen in practices such as yoga, tai chi and Qi gong.

In these workshops you have the opportunity to reconnect with this inner wisdom and explore these systems for yourself.

With a better understanding of the subtleties of these energy fields we can enhance our relationships with ourselves, those close to us and the wider world in general, creating ease and peace that transcends all our interactions.

Imbalances in this subtle energy system can include physical illness, physical, emotional and psychological discomfort, anxiety, hormone imbalances, lack of focus, poor communication, lack of confidence and self esteem, difficulty sleeping and lack of motivation and purpose.

Learning how to identify  and harmonise your own imbalances is empowering, enabling progression towards peace, happiness and the life you desire, without force or effort.

Each workshop is a mix of theory, group discussion and guided practical application.

No prior knowledge or experience is required.  

Group numbers are restricted to create supportive learning and sharing environments for sharing questions, exciting curiosities and exploring how you can work with each aspect for yourself, make it relevant to your current situation and fire up your dream of the future.

Light refreshments and a simple lunch are provided, please feel free to bring along anything that supports your personal dietary preferences.

Please note: I am sometimes ably assisted by my very handsome work colleague, a small, white fluffy bichon/maltese cross dog named pTerry.  He will be on paw at the workshop to provide moral support and accept belly rubs. pTerry (the p is silent) is hypoallergenic and very people friendly.

Workshop details are below, please click on the booking link below each item for full details of current dates and prices for each workshop.

Introduction to meridians

Introduction to ancestral and superficial meridians

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the meridian system transports energy, also known as Life force, Prana or Qi, around our bodies, regulating, developing and harmonising us with our internal and external world.

Together we will discover the subtleties of the different meridians and develop a deeper understanding and respect for ourselves, those we care for and our wider communities as we explore

  • Superficial and ancestral energy meridians
  • Energy, what it is and where it comes from
  • How energy systems develop and grow as we mature
  • The different meanings, symbolism and associations of the superficial and ancestral energy meridian systems
  • How to develop your own energy meridian systems to support your personal goals and aspirations
  • Practical methods to enhance and harmonise your personal meridian flow

To find out details of the next workshop and privilege early bird booking information please click here 

Introduction to deeper chakra energies

Introduction to Chakras for wp

Did you know there are 114 identified chakra points on the human body? Whilst we don’t have time to explore all of them we will spend time gaining some useful knowledge and increasing our own personal understanding of the following:

  • What chakras are
  • Where chakras are found in the human system
  • How chakras work
  • How to identify chakra imbalances for yourself
  • Practical methods to rebalance and harmonise chakras and the energies associated with them
  • How to claim these powerful energies and utilise them to support your own personal development

With access to the subtleties of these energy centres we have the capacity to finely tune our life to be the experience we desire, without force or fear.

Full details of the next workshop and privilege early bird booking information can be found here

Introduction to auras and auric field energies

Introduction to auras 1019

Develop an understanding of auras and auric field energies, their similarities and differences.   Learn the associations with these energies,  how to connect and work with these subtle fields to support you own personal well-being and development.

 Create your own healing framework to resolve issues from the past and design the life you desire.

Whether we are able to see coloured auras or not, these fields of subtle energy surround and support us every day.

Reaching out beyond our physical body these fields connect us to the world and the universe beyond, providing useful links to the natural, supernatural, spiritual and cosmic realms.

Together we will learn how to access and utilise these energies to help us achieve the life we desire as we explore

  • What auras and auric fields are
  • Where auras are located
  • How auras and auric field energies support us
  • How to identify auric field imbalances for yourself
  • Practical methods to cleanse, strengthen and harmonise your own auric field energies
  • How to connect with these powerful energies and utilise them to support your own personal development

Full details and privilege early bird booking are here

Let go with grace, enjoy the peace of space

December workshops learn to dump your emotional baggage and tap into your inner guide (1)
When was the last time you had a really great nights sleep and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the demands of your day?
Are you suffering with cough and colds and blaming it on the change in the weather?
If you’re already struggling then take heart, When we feel out of synch with the energy of the season we get tired, sick, irritated without reason, on the edge of tears, feel unable to cope; all signs that our bodies need some support to adjust to the changing seasonal energies around us.
Nature gives us signs to help us adjust but we are often too caught up with bugs, back aches and unsteady feelings that we miss them.
In this accessible, online workshop we will explore simple techniques you can use at home to help yourself to let go of emotions and habits that no longer serve you and experience the freedom of peace and smoothing your journey through the inevitable trials and tribulations of life.
As we progress through autumn, it’s a time to have a good clear out, physically and metaphorically. What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you? Are you accumulating personal clutter that is getting on top of you, is it time to empty your emotional back pack and set yourself free?
We share useful tips and techniques, stretches, diet information to enable us to nourish and care for ourselves better, in season, as well as discussing some of the emotional associations with each meridian and how we can synchronise ourselves with these.
Grab your favourite mug, fill it with your preferred drink, cosy up in your slippers and snuggle into a comfy chair to join us, online as we explore the simple secrets of feeling better, everyday.
Please click here to book your seat.

Tame your fire, take back control and live


Tame your fire, take back control and live

Wherever you are in your cycle, or the cycle of life, this online workshop will help you take control of your hormonal ebb and flow, knock hot flushes out of the ball park and live the life you love.

With exploration around what is happening in the meridian energy flow and some useful practical techniques, finally you will be well equipped to take back control.

This 2 hour interactive session is hosted via Zoom, so you can participate from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are in the world, we’d be happy to welcome you.

Book your place and receive the workshop link and password.  You will also receive 2 useful fact sheets to keep, via email, shortly before the workshop.

Join us and learn simple techniques to keep your cool, improve sleep, reduce anxiety and reclaim your life.

For details of the next workshop please contact me.


Emotional baggage: how long would yours take to unpack?

Do you ever stop to consider just how much emotional baggage you’re trailing around?  Does it fit in your tote? Your car? Would it fill a garage?

Can you imagine the weight of it?

What effect does it have on you to carry the weight of that emotional burden around with you all the time?

Have you ever taken it off, set it down or even acknowledged the immensity of it?

Emotional baggage is the effect of all the hurts, criticisms and negativity we experience and store away ‘just in case’.

Initially it becomes a tool with which we believe we are protecting ourselves, like a game of emotional snap, we carry the emotional footprint of the incidents that wound us so that we will be able to spot them and stop them, before they hurt us again.

The truth, however, is far more sinister, as they set up home in our psyche and become the very sticks we use to beat ourselves with; creating and encouraging a destructive internal narrative that holds us hostage to the events of our past and prevents us from engaging with the hope, potential and optimism of our own unwritten future.

Working with the natural energy cycles, together, we can elegantly extract the lessons from your own past experiences, keeping the learning whilst gently releasing the pain.

There is never a bad time to cleanse yourself of the emotional baggage that may be weighing you down and holding you back.

Does this feel like a good time to de-clutter your emotional baggage and make space for new ideas, possibilities and aspirations?

There are monthly circle gatherings to help you do just that, while harmonising with the energy around and within us.  Join us as we share tips, techniques and insights.  Find peace, flexibility and resilience throughout the year.

So, if you’re ready to release the emotional baggage that is weighing you down, you can now join in from the comfort of your sofa, find out all the details here.

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

You can also join our online community here.

Touch for Health training full IKC Syllabus

For details of the next Touch for Health training dates please contact me. Please find below the full IKC Touch for health training Syllabus

Touch for Health Kinesiology Level I:
The art of muscle testing & 14-Muscle/Meridian Balancing “As-You-Go”
Touch for health training, Introductory kinesiology workshop for lay people and health professionals
Accurate indicator muscle testing; “challenging” reflexes to find deeper levels to balance
Emotional stress release (for present distress)
14 muscle-tests as biofeedback for posture and 14 major energy meridians
5 reflex systems and nutrition for balancing muscles, posture and energy
Simple pain control techniques
Improve Sensory, auditory and visual perception and physical range of motion with auricular and visual balancing
Level 1 is open to all. It is suitable for the lay-person who has no prior knowledge of muscles/anatomy/posture or Chinese acupuncture energy theory.
Most kinesiologists learn TFH during their training.
Official IKC TFH Level 1 Syllabus

Introduction to Touch for Health
What is Touch for Health?
History, Triangle of Health, Opposing Muscle Theory
Switching On
Central Meridian Check
Switching Points
Cross Crawl for Fun
Auricular Energy
Meridian Massage
Accurate Indicator Muscle Testing

Introduction to Muscle Testing
Education, Communication and Permission: the Self-Responsibility Model
Pre-checks for accurate muscle testing – Physical, Mental/Emotional, Biochemical
Accurate Indicator Muscle Testing
Switching On
Central Meridian Energy Check
Subjective Evaluation

Muscle/Meridian Balancing Touch Reflexes
Spinal Reflexes
Neurolymphatic Massage Points (reflexes)
Neurovascular Holding Points (reflexes)
Energy Meridians from Acupuncture
Muscle Origin-Insertion Technique
Challenging a Balancing Reflex
Muscles that Won’t “Switch-off”
Emotional Stress Release
Using Food to Balance Specific Muscles

Other Balancing Techniques
Posture Awareness
Cross Crawl for Fun
Auricular Energy
Visual Inhibition
Simple Pain Techniques
Surrogate Testing
Goal Balancing
Balancing-As-You-Go Procedure

Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14 Muscles and Related Meridians:

Muscle Related                                  Meridian
Supraspinatus                                    Central
Teres Major                                         Governing
Pectoralis Major Clavicular          Stomach
Latissimus Dorsi                               Spleen
Subscapularis                                     Heart
Quadriceps                                          Small Intestine
Peroneus                                              Bladder
Psoas                                                     Kidney
Gluteus Medius                                 Circulation/Sex
Teres Minor                                        Triple Warmer
Anterior Deltoid                                Gall Bladder
Pectoralis Major Sternal                Liver
Anterior Serratus                              Lung
Fascia Lata                                           Large Intestine

Touch for Health Kinesiology Level 2:
Exploring energy maps & One-Point Balancing
PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 1; practical and written exercises from Level 1
14 additional muscle tests
Circuit locating to find an optimal touch reflex, or alarm points to indicate excess energy
Emotional stress release (for future performance)
Assess energy patterns in the 24-hour Wheel & Five Element (seasonal) cycles and find the “One-Point” to balance all the muscles/energy meridians
Food Testing- identify foods that raise or lower energy
Acupressure Holding Points, neuromuscular reflexes including spindle cell and golgi tendon
More simple pain control including “Meridian Walking” technique for recent/localised pain

Muscle/Meridian Balancing Touch Reflexes
Circuit Locating
Precheck Evaluations with Circuit Locating
Spindle Cell Mechanism
Golgi Tendon Apparatus
Acupressure Holding Points
Cerebral Spinal Technique
Yin and Yang
Balancing Using the Meridian Wheel
Alarm Points and Over-Energy
Beaver Dam
Triangles and Squares
Midday/Midnight Relationship
The Law of Five Elements (Shen and Ko Cycles)

Other Balancing Techniques
Food Testing for Biogenic, Biostatic and Biocidic Foods
Emotional Stress Relief (ESR) for Future Performance
Simple Pain Techniques
Time of Day Balance
Meridian Massage
Meridian Walking
Cerebrospinal Technique
Cross Crawl Integration
One-Point Balancing According to the Wheel and Five Elements

Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14 Additional Muscles:
Muscle Related                                                         Meridian
Anterior Neck Flexors   & Brachioradialis     Stomach
Lower & Middle Trapezius                                   Spleen
Rectus Abdominis                                                   Small Intestine
Sacrospinalis                                                             Bladder
Iliacus                                                                           Kidney
Adductors & Piriformis                                         Circulation/Sex
Sartorius                                                                     Triple Warmer
Popliteus                                                                    Gall Bladder
Rhomboid                                                                  Liver
Middle Deltoid                                                         Lung
Quadratus Lumborum                                         Large Intestine

Touch For Health Kinesiology Level 3:
The Body Deal – Reactive Muscle Balancing
PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 2: practical and written exercises from Level 2
Review and practice 1-point balancing (Wheel & Five Elements)
Five Element sound balancing
14 additional muscles (this completes the TFH 42 Muscles)
Emotional stress release (for past experiences/trauma)
Balancing reactive muscles for combined muscle function and long-standing pain relief
Chinese 5-Element colour balance
Balance “gaits” function and physical co-ordination
Luo points (acupressure holding points to balance yin/yang within an element)
Pulse points for assessing/balancing excess energy
Pain tapping to reduce or eliminate long-standing pain

Balancing Techniques
Five Element Colour Balance
Five Element Emotions
Five Element Balancing with Goal and Emotion
Five Element Balancing with Food
Sedation Techniques
ESR for Past Trauma
Pulse Check
Pain Tapping for Chronic Pain
Reactive Muscles Review

Other Balancing Techniques
Facilitation and Inhibition
Circuit Retaining Mode
Resetting Reactive Muscle Relationships
Gait Checking and Balancing
Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for 14+ Additional Muscles:

Muscle Related…                                                               Meridian
Posterior Neck Extensors & Levator Scapulae      Stomach
Opponens Pollicis Longus & Triceps                         Spleen
Transverse and Oblique Abdominals                        Small Intestine
Anterior and Posterior Tibials                                     Bladder
Upper Trapezius                                                                Kidney
Gluteus Maximus                                                              Circulation Sex
Gracilis, Soleus & Gastrocnemius                              Triple Warmer
Coracobrachialis & Diaphragm                                   Lung
Hamstrings                                                                         Large Intestine

Touch For Health Kinesiology Level 4:
Going Deeper – Postural Analysis & Balancing, Review & Consolidation

PRE-REQUISITE: TFH Level 3: practical and written exercises from Level 3
Complete 42 muscle balance: standing, sitting or lying
Analyze and balance specific postural deviations
Reactive muscle review
Figure 8 energy balancing
Past balancing to holistically relieve stress from past trauma throughout mind and body
Postural stress release for stress held in “muscle memory” associated with postures/experiences

Balancing Techniques
Figure Eight Energy
Five Elements and Meridian Review
Five Element Emotions
Five Element Sound Balance
Acupressure Holding Point Theory
Luo Points
Time of Day Balance
Postural Stress Release
Neurolymphatic Release
Reactive Muscles Review
Postural Analysis
Muscle Tests and Balancing Reflexes for:
42 Muscles Head to Toe, Standing
42 Muscles Head to Toe, Prone and Supine
Outcomes and Applications of Touch for Health:
IKC Instructor Training Requirements
Aims of the International Kinesiology College
Guidelines for Practical Assessment
The TFH Synthesis “Database” Balancing Procedure

Claire Cutler-Casey is a professional Kinesiology Practitioner and Touch For Health instructor as well as delivering a variety of business and well-being workshops designed to help you navigate the process of change.

If you would like to book a 1:1 Kinesiology session, please click here.

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